¥4,400 税込
なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK
ティーポット グリーン|Teapot Green
滋賀県の陶芸作家「西村 栄高」さんの一点物の作品。
サイズ:最大幅148mm 高さ82mm 容量150ml
This is a one-of-a-kind piece by "Eiko Nishimura", a ceramic artist from Shiga Prefecture.
The clay is sprinkled with small brown particles and is covered in a green glaze. The shape and cross-section of the handle were carefully designed by the artist to make it easy to hold, and it is truly comfortable to hold. Each piece is carefully crafted on a potter's wheel, with glaze even applied to the bottom of the base, giving a sense of the artist's careful work and love for his or her piece.
Size: Maximum width 148mm, height 82mm, capacity 150ml
¥4,400 税込