¥4,400 税込
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一輪挿し|Single Flower Vase
陶芸作家「蒲原 麻未」さんの一点物の作品。
形も色も絵も一目惚れした一輪挿しです。作家さんによれば、白土を使い 黒系の釉薬をかけ「やじろべ〜」を描いたけれど、思ったほど形がくっきり出なかったそうです。でもむしろちょっと滲んでいるからこそ素敵な表情になっていると感じます。インテリアとして飾るもよし、センスよく雰囲気ある空間を演出してくれそうです。
サイズ:底面58×44mm 高さ100m
A one-of-a-kind piece by ceramic artist Asami Kambara.
This is a vase that we fell in love with at first sight for its shape, color, and picture. According to the artist, she used white clay, applied a black glaze, and painted the "Yajirobe" (seeking man), but the shape did not come out as clearly as she had hoped. However, I think that it is precisely because it is slightly blurred that it has a wonderful expression. It can be displayed as an interior decoration, and it would also create a stylish and atmospheric space.
Size: Base 58 x 44mm, Height 100mm
¥4,400 税込